Sail Shine Durgapur Unit Are Uploaded the Upcoming I.T.I. Student Recruitment Written Examination Admit Card / Hall Ticket Are Available for the Download Student Those Are Completed the Education Qualification and Applied the Recruitment Test Online Form Are Download the June 2014 Examination Admit Card Online.
Exam Conducted By : Steel Authority of India Limited Durgapur Steel Plant JOB TITLE : ACTT
Test Date: 01-06-2014
Reporting Time: 01:45 PM
Test Time: 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Important Links :
Instructions to the Candidates appearing in the Written Test.1. You are advised to read the information brochure (enclosed) before appearing in the written test.
2. You have to appear in the written test at the above-mentioned date/time/venue at your own cost. No Travelling Allowance will be paid by the Company.
3. Admission to the Test Center will be only on production of this Admit card.
4. This Admit Card is issued to you for appearing in the written test based on the information furnished by you in your online application for the post. If at any stage of the recruitment process including after recruitment or joining, it is detected that the information provided by you is incorrect/incomplete or is not in conformity with the eligibility criteria, or if it is found that you have concealed /distorted any material information, your candidature/appointment will be cancelled without assigning any reason thereof.
5. You are called for the written test without verifying your personal details of age, qualification etc. with relevant certificates. Therefore, before appearing for the written test you should strictly ensure yourself that you fulfill the eligibility criteria stipulated by SAIL, DSP in all respects.
6. Your candidature is provisional and is subject to satisfying all the criteria prescribed for the post and verification of all your certificates at the time of interview and joining. Mere appearance at the test does not entitle you to make any claim for the post. You will be treated as debarred ab-initio in case you do not fulfill the essential eligibility criteria.
7. Please bring one photo identity proof in original (Driving license/Voter ID card/Passport/ PAN Card/Adhaar etc.) for verification purpose. In case of no photograph or invisible/unidentifiable photograph in the Admit card, it is mandatory that you should bring 03 (three) recent passport size colour photographs duly attested by gazetted officer indicating Roll No. & Registration No. of the candidate concerned at the backside of the photograph, failing which candidate will not be allowed for written test.
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